Abaleo S.L. is a consultant company providing specialized and expert services in the wide areas of Environment.
Convinced that a well done work always supposes a saving, Abaleo, S.L. offers a customized attention, to provide a service of high quality adapted to the necessities of the client. To get this objective:
- We always work with professionals with high motivation, top degree of technical knowledge, ample experience and a great capacity for team working.
- We use the common sense;
- We concentrate our efforts in the most important matters, but always lowering until the level of necessary detail.
Abaleo has supported many non Spanish companies to develop projects in Spain, especially in relation with power plants facilities. We have an extensive experience in administrative processing of projects; we have participated in the full processing, from the feasibility study to the environmental and administrative approval.
Abaleo´s multidisciplinary team has a long trajectory in advising and supporting companies, organisms and institutions, to develop studies and projects on:
- Environmental Risks Analysis. Environmental liability.
- Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment.
- Programs of environmental monitoring (construction and operation).
- Projects to get the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Authorization.
- Environmental studies.
- Environmental Due Diligence.
- Geology and contaminated soils.
- Air quality.
- Waters.
- Wastes.
- Noise.
- Atmospheric dispersion, water discharges and noise modelizations.
- Life Cycle Analysis, Life Cycle Management.
- Eco-design, Design for sustainability (D4S).
- Carbon footprint.
- CO2 emissions voluntary initiatives.
- Green Public/Private Procurement (GPP).
- Environmental Public Declaration.
- Corporate Sustainability Report .
- Recovery of degraded areas projects.
- Forestry and natural resource management projects.
- Environmental training.
- Communication in the field of environment.
- Development of new services in the environment sector.
Abaleo´s professional team:
- Conducted the EIA of: 20 Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants and 1 Coal Power Plant in Spain, principally developed by non Spanish companies. In all these projects we have participated in the complete processing, from the feasibility study to environmental and administrative approval. Several of these plants are currently running.
- Developed the Environmental Surveillance Program of the construction and operation of many Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants in Spain.
- Drafted the Environmental Surveillance Program for the enlargement of the Jorf Lasfar Coal Power Plant (Morocco), fulfilling World Bank requirements.
- Has an extensive knowledge of the energy sector: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants, Coal Power Plants, high tension lines, wind farms, solar thermal power plants, bioethanol and biodiesel plants.
- Has an extensive experience in the industrial sector, in which 50 Integrated Environmental Authorization Projects have been undertaken in various industrial sectors: coal power plants, CCGT power plants, cogenerations, steel, chemical plants, bioethanol plants, biodiesel plants, manufacture of motor vehicles and parts for automotive, manufacturing of food products, dairy products and animal feed, slaughterhouses, ceramics, fries, cement, lime, mills, packaging and metal caps factories, pharmaceutical, plant protection products, medical supplies, printing industry, packaging of beverages, etc.)
- Has relevant experience in communication campaigns for public presentation of projects and studies.
- Usually teaches in environmental matters at postgraduate and master level in Nebrija University, School of Forestry Engineers in Madrid, Cantabria University, Industrial Organization School (E.O.I.), Chambers of Commerce, Technological Centers, etc.
- Has international experience in Europe, Africa (Morocco, Burkina Faso) and Latin America (El Salvador, Chile).
- Can work in English and French.
Customers of energy sector we have worked with include: AES, Gaz de France, Entergy, Enron, Electrabel, EDP, Gas Natural, HC Energía, Enel-Viesgo, Endesa, Iberdrola, Unión FENOSA, EGL, Foster Wheler, Sniace, Grupo Samca, Socoin, Carbonífera del Ebro, Dipesa Gestión, etc.
English presentation in slideshare.